Your Spiritual Liberation Journey: The Key is in Your Hands

Hey Reader,

Holy guacamole! If you missed yesterday's LIVE stream, you just missed the spiritual equivalent of a fireworks show meets a unicorn parade. But don't worry, I've got your back!

Catch the Magic (Before It Catches You)

Click this link faster than you can say "enlightenment"

video preview

Seriously, Leslie's transformation will make your jaw drop harder than a skydiver without a parachute.

This Ain't Your Grandma's Therapy Session

These Spiritual Liberation sessions are so powerful, they're practically illegal in some dimensions. We're talking:

  • Generational hurts? POOF! Gone faster than a toupee in a hurricane.
  • Your entire way of BEING? Transformed quicker than a chameleon at a disco.

But here's the kicker: This isn't some passive, "lie back and think of England" deal. Oh no, honey. It's a co-creation, and YOU'RE the star of this cosmic show!

The Not-So-Secret Sauce of Transformation

Want to unlock your fullest potential? Here's the recipe:

  1. Be open.
  2. Trust the process.
  3. Surrender.

Remember, this is co-creation between you, the big G (God/Source/Universe), and yours truly as the cosmic conduit. And the more you allow yourself to be open to new possibilities, trust and surrender to the process, the greater the transformation.

The Spiritual Liberation Experience

When you step into a Spiritual Liberation session, you're embarking on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Here's what you can expect:

  • Mental, emotional, and physical blocks? We'll uncover them with laser-like precision, bringing clarity to areas that have long been clouded.
  • Deep-seated issues? Together, we'll address them head-on, with compassion and unwavering support, facilitating a release that can be both powerful and liberating.
  • Your amplified self? We'll help you connect with and embody that version of you that's been waiting to shine - confident, empowered, and aligned with your highest purpose.

Remember, the depth of your transformation is intimately linked to your openness and willingness to engage fully in the process. The more you bring to the table, the more profound your experience will be.

Double Trouble Alert!

As if Leslie's mind-bending journey wasn't enough to make you believe in magic again, we're doubling down!

Join Jessica and me TODAY at 3:30pm CST for another spiritual rollercoaster ride. Catch us LIVE on my Facebook page:

Ready to Rock Your Reality?

If you're feeling the cosmic call to liberate your spirit (and who isn't?), it's time to jump on this metaphysical bandwagon!

Click that link faster than you can manifest a parking spot. Your future self is already high-fiving you across time and space!

Until next time, keep your chakras aligned and your wifi strong!

P.S. If you're not ready to join the waitlist yet, that's cool. Just know that somewhere in an alternate universe, you've already done it and you're loving it. No pressure! 😉

What’s Coming Up?

Mark your calendars for these exciting events:

  1. Sept 12th: Virtual Mediumship Session 6pm CST on Zoom
    Join me, as we invite spirit to join us and I deliver evidence of loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!
  2. Oct 1st: WTF is Shadow Work? (Virtual Event: 6pm CST on Zoom)
  3. Oct 10th: Virtual Mediumship Session 6pm CST on Zoom
    Join me, as we invite spirit to join us and I deliver evidence of loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!
  4. Oct 13th: Reiki II Training (in-person at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI)
    Only a few spots remain! Become certified (or as we say in the Reiki-world, attuned) in the gift of Reiki. Level 2 allows gifts you with the ability to move even more energy through you to the recipient AND teaches you how to do Reiki beyond time, space, & location.

    Reiki III - Reiki Master + Reiki Master Teacher Internship Coming December 1st!
  5. Oct 31st: With Love, From Spirit | In-Person Mediumship Event!
    6:30pm CST at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI
    Join me, Evidential Psychic Medium, as we invite spirit to fill the room & join us for a beautiful evening of healing messages and love from your loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!

Hello! I'm Heather LaFond

Guiding women to break through, live their most empowered life, and healing hearts by connecting our world with the otherworldly.

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