Debunking Shadow Work Myths

Hey Reader,

Remember how last week we dipped our toes into the mysterious waters of Shadow Work? Well, today we're diving deeper, and I'm here to bust some myths wider than a full moon on Halloween.

Shadow Work Myth-Busting 101

Myth #1: Shadow Work is all about your dark, twisted side. Truth: It's about wholeness, baby! Light, dark, and all the shades of grey in between.

Myth #2: You need to be "broken" to do Shadow Work. Truth: Newsflash! We ALL have shadows. It's as normal as having a belly button.

Myth #3: Shadow Work will turn you into a brooding, mysterious character from a young adult novel. Truth: It actually helps you become more authentic and alive. No sparkly vampires required.

The Real Deal

Shadow Work is like spring cleaning for your soul. It's not about dwelling in the dark; it's about bringing everything into the light so you can see yourself clearly – warts, wisdom, and all.

Sneak Peek: "WTF Is Shadow Work" Workshop

On October 1st, we're going to roll up our sleeves and get down and dirty with our shadows. It's gonna be more revealing than a gossip session with your BFF, and twice as liberating.

Curious about what else you might discover? Stay tuned for next week's email. The shadows are getting restless...

Keep shining (and shadowing),

P.S. Still on the fence? Remember, your shadow self is the life of the party you haven't been inviting. Time to send out that invite!

Hello! I'm Heather LaFond

Guiding women to break through, live their most empowered life, and healing hearts by connecting our world with the otherworldly.

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