Your Spiritual Journey Awaits: An Update on Our Sessions

Hey Reader,

Hold onto your chakras, because I've got some mind-blowing updates that'll make your third eye buzz with excitement!

The Spiritual Tsunami

First things first: the stories rolling in from my Spiritual Liberation sessions are so freakin' powerful, they could light up Vegas! I'm talking jaw-dropping, life-altering transformations that'll make your head spin faster than Linda Blair in The Exorcist (minus the pea soup, thank God).

Here's the kicker: These sessions are knocking down blocks faster than a wrecking ball on Red Bull. We're talking YEARS of struggle, gone in minutes. How? It's simple:

  1. God/Source/The Universe as our cosmic co-pilot
  2. You, showing up ready to kick ass and take spiritual names
  3. Me, your friendly neighborhood conduit

All you gotta do is surrender, and decide that THIS. IS. IT. (Cue dramatic Spartan music)

Holy Waitlist, Batman!

The waitlist for my Spiritual Liberation sessions is so off the charts, it's practically in orbit. My team is having an absolute blast gathering all your responses. They're like kids in a cosmic candy store, except instead of sugar highs, they're riding waves of pure spiritual enthusiasm.

But don't panic! Your spot in this spiritual conga line is secure. We see you, we hear you, and we're coming for you (in the best possible way, of course).

Meanwhile, in Kenya...

As you're reading this, I'm halfway across the world in Kenya, probably covered in dust and radiating more love than a Care Bear convention. When I commit to something, I go all in – we're talking 1000% presence, baby!

I'm here with the Warrior Queens Rise women, spreading more empowerment than a self-help book on steroids. It's intense, it's beautiful, and it's exactly where I need to be right now.

My Return...

Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and maybe sacrifice a kale smoothie to the wellness gods: I'm touching down on home soil on Friday, September 27th.

After I shake off the jet lag and remember how to use a fork again, I'll be diving into that waitlist. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Is. On. My. Radar.

Still on the Fence?

If you haven't joined my waitlist yet, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation from the universe? Here's your chance:

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers like sand in a broken hourglass.
Your future self is already thanking you.

Spread the Good Vibes

Know someone who needs a spiritual kick in the pants? Forward this email faster than you can say "namaste, bitches."

Until we meet on the astral plane (or in my very earthly office),

P.S. My VA is holding down the fort while I'm gone. They're basically a spiritual ninja, so feel free to reach out if you need anything. Just don't ask them to predict your future – that's my job!

What’s Coming Up?

Mark your calendars for these exciting events:

  1. Oct 1st: WTF is Shadow Work? (Virtual Event: 6pm CST on Zoom)
  2. Oct 10th: Virtual Mediumship Session 6pm CST on Zoom
    Join me, as we invite spirit to join us and I deliver evidence of loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!
  3. Oct 13th: Reiki II Training (in-person at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI)
    Only a few spots remain! Become certified (or as we say in the Reiki-world, attuned) in the gift of Reiki. Level 2 allows gifts you with the ability to move even more energy through you to the recipient AND teaches you how to do Reiki beyond time, space, & location.

    Reiki III - Reiki Master + Reiki Master Teacher Internship Coming December 1st!
  4. Oct 31st: With Love, From Spirit | In-Person Mediumship Event!
    6:30pm CST at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI
    Join me, Evidential Psychic Medium, as we invite spirit to fill the room & join us for a beautiful evening of healing messages and love from your loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!

Until next time, keep shining your beautiful light!

Hello! I'm Heather LaFond

Guiding women to break through, live their most empowered life, and healing hearts by connecting our world with the otherworldly.

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