Join Our Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities Workshop!

Dear Reader,

Have you ever experienced a moment so perfectly timed, it couldn’t possibly be a coincidence? Or noticed recurring symbols that seem to be calling out to you? If so, the Universe might be trying to tell you something!

I’m thrilled to invite you to our upcoming virtual workshop!

Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities: Decoding the Universe’s Messages

Date: Thursday, September 5th
6:00pm CST
Platform: Zoom

Why This Workshop?

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to miss the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways the Universe and our spiritual guides communicate with us. This workshop is your key to unlocking these hidden messages and transforming your life!

What You’ll Learn:

🔮 The Language of the Universe: Discover how everyday occurrences carry profound meanings.

👻 Spirit Whispers: Learn how loved ones in spirit use signs to reach out to us.

🌟 Synchronicity Secrets: Uncover the magic behind those “too perfect to be coincidence” moments.

🧘‍♀️ Intuition Activation: Sharpen your spiritual senses to better recognize and interpret signs.

🔑 Practical Tools: Get hands-on techniques to apply this wisdom to your daily life.

Who Is This For?

Whether you’re a seasoned spiritualist or just beginning your metaphysical journey, this workshop will provide valuable insights and practical skills to enhance your connection with the Universe.

Limited Spots Available!

Don’t miss this opportunity to tune into the Universe’s frequency and start receiving its guidance loud and clear!

Investment: $11

Questions? Feel free to reply to this email. I’m here to help you on your journey to cosmic connection!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

P.S. Remember, there are no coincidences. If you’re reading this, it might just be the sign you’ve been waiting for! 😉

Don't Forget to Check Out My Upcoming Events!

  1. Sept 8th: Reiki I Training (in-person at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI)
    Only a few spots remain! Become certified (or as we say in the Reiki-world, attuned) in the gift of Reiki. Level 1 allows you to do self-Reiki and Reiki with people in-person.

    Reiki II - coming October 13th
    Reiki III - Reiki Master + Reiki Master Teacher Internship Coming December 1st!
  2. Sept 12th: Virtual Mediumship Session 6pm CST on Zoom
    Join me, as we invite spirit to join us and I deliver evidence of loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!

Hello! I'm Heather LaFond

Guiding women to break through, live their most empowered life, and healing hearts by connecting our world with the otherworldly.

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