From Triggers to Triumphs

Hey, Reader, you beautiful soul!

Reflecting on Made4More's Triggered Conference

What an AMAZING event The Triggered conference was last week! It was truly an honor to share the stage with a beautiful variety of speakers, each sharing their powerful stories of resiliency and strength.

I had the privilege of speaking about Transforming Your Triggers to Triumphs! In case you weren't able to attend, here’s the cliff-notes version of my message:

A trigger is an unconscious emotional flashback - your mind & body working together to protect you from a perceived threat. Your mind & body are not your enemies, but loyal allies ensuring your survival. When triggered, your body sends you signs that there you have a repressed trauma coming up. Why? So that it can be healed.

Our unconscious mind has several jobs but the two that we're talking about here are:
1. To repress trauma to protect you (out of love)
2. To bring things up for resolution (healing)
The key to transformation? Lean into your triggers instead of avoiding them. Become conscious of the unconscious. Face your triggers head-on to begin the journey of healing.
To work with unconscious triggers:
1. Observe recurring patterns in your life
2. Engage in Shadow Work (it's not some witchy s-h-i-t, not that there's anything wrong with witchy s-h-i-t) The term Shadow Work was created by American Psychologist Carl Jung to describe the parts of ourselves that we hide away, or keep in the dark (the unconscious parts).
3. Keep a trigger journal
When triggered, slow down, breathe, and resist the urge to run away. This is your opportunity for growth.

Shadow Work

If you're wondering WTF Shadow Work is, you're going to want to stay tuned to my Facebook page (if you're not already)! I'm going to begin sharing about ALL things Shadow Work very soon & trust me, you're not going to want to miss out on what I have up my sleeve for fall...

What’s Coming Up?

Mark your calendars for these exciting events:

  1. Sept 5th: Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities
    Are you ready to dive deep into the mystical world of cosmic communication? Join us for an enlightening virtual class that will open your eyes to the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways the Universe and our spirit guides are constantly trying to get our attention!
  2. Sept 8th: Reiki I Training (in-person at The Granary in Manitowoc, WI)
    Only a few spots remain! Become certified (or as we say in the Reiki-world, attuned) in the gift of Reiki. Level 1 allows you to do self-Reiki and Reiki with people in-person.

    Reiki II - coming October 13th
    Reiki III - Reiki Master + Reiki Master Teacher Internship Coming December 1st!
  3. Sept 12th: Virtual Mediumship Session 6pm CST on Zoom
    Join me, as we invite spirit to join us and I deliver evidence of loved ones in spirit!
    Limited spots available!

Don’t miss out on these transformative experiences!

A Personal Note

If you’re struggling with triggers or seeking guidance on your spiritual path, please know that I’m here for you. For real. Your journey matters, and sometimes we all need a little support along the way.

Whether you need a listening ear, practical strategies, or spiritual insights, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can transform those triggers into stepping stones for your personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Until next time, keep shining your beautiful light!

P.S. Ready to dive deeper into your spiritual journey? Book your complimentary epiphany call with me and let's talk!

Hello! I'm Heather LaFond

Guiding women to break through, live their most empowered life, and healing hearts by connecting our world with the otherworldly.

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